9 Things You Will Experience at the New Story Festival

More fun than a conference, more purposeful than a music festival, and more holistic than a political rally, the New Story Festival is a movement for a better world, combining creativity and community to serve the common good. And we want to make it accessible to everyone who wants to join us. So today we're announcing Pay From the Heart Pricing. 

Since we want the New Story to be accessible to all, there are THREE ticket price options for the festival - $249, $179, or $99. We invite you to choose a price level based on the resources you have available, the benefit you feel you'll receive from this unique gathering, and your desire to support the work of community, creativity, and the common good.

For transparency: it is costing well over $100,000 to host the festival, and lots of people have been working for more than a year to make it possible.

What will you experience?

  1. A full weekend of conversation with leaders like Nadia Bolz-Weber, Rev angel Kyodo Williams, Charles Eisenstein, Kaitlin Curtice and Brian McLaren, pioneering ideas that help us live better.

  2. A full weekend featuring music from acclaimed and brilliant artists including Over the Rhine, Carrie Rodriguez, and Riders Against the Storm.

  3. A full weekend of hearing about exciting and practical steps toward a better world, from collaborative politics and peacemaking in northern Ireland, a new story of how to help heal the climate, a simple method for building community & purpose in your own front room, and parenting in uncertain times.

  4. A full weekend of creativity and connection: from Art as Protest to Authentic Relating Games, dancing to the simple quiet conversation between old friends who just haven't met yet.

  5. A full weekend of dozens of opportunities to move beyond polarization, powerlessness, and panic into an experiment in making the kind of world we want to live in: where everyone has what they need, and finds the kind of shelter that goes beyond four walls and a roof - in other words: a place where everyone can find meaningful community, mentors for the path, and a sense of a purpose.

  6. A full weekend of quiet, renewing, reflective experiences, from meditation to gently working with trauma through to hearing birdsong as an invitation to experience the beauty of what is always happening, though we often miss it.

  7. A full weekend of taking life seriously in all its complexity, facing the enormous challenges of the moment, but not in despair - we'll learn together about sources of genuine transformation, hope, and inspiration. And while we'll be trying to take life seriously, we won't take ourselves too seriously!

  8. A full weekend of great food, colorful people, new friendships, and inspiration for the journey ahead.

  9. And lots of surprises!

You can participate as much or as little as you like, you can dip into and out of sessions, you can spend all weekend drinking coffee and enjoying the vibe. But if you don't register, you'll miss it all. We want you to be there.

Register Now

One more thing: We will never turn anyone away based on financial need, so if $99 is still beyond your budget, you can earn a free ticket by volunteering to help behind-the-scenes before or during the festival.

We're hosting the New Story Festival for three reasons: we want to help make a better world; we want to reach out to people like you and meet you where you're at; and we know that we need this for ourselves as well. It's just over two months away, in Austin, TX, on the campus of Huston-Tillotson University. It won't be perfect. But it will be magic.